Friday, February 20, 2015

Collections...and opinion writing

For the past several weeks, we have been working on opinion writing. The class has done a great job stating their opinion and giving reasons to support their opinion. This past week, each student brought in a small collection of items. We took turns learning about each collection. Then each child had to rate their best piece in their collection. They gave it a blue ribbon. It was neat to see what their collection consisted of, but it was also neat to listen to their reasons. At times, they were very convincing and wanted others to like their piece too!


Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Pocket Charts

One of the things I love most about teaching first grade is letting students explore, learn, and practice through centers or stations. Having enough space is always an issue to overcome. I LOVE pocket charts! They can be used so many ways. I have mine throughout my classroom, tucked away until I need them. This makes them VERY handy! I also like them because I can see how a student is completing the activity from anywhere in my room, especially during guided reading time. I don't have to stop my group to see how a child is doing. If I see a child is struggling or completed something incorrectly, I jot a note and touch base with the child later and help them.
When station time is over for the day, we roll them back up and tuck them away until we need them the next day! Very convenient!




Thursday, February 5, 2015

Building Fluency...with a tablet

A couple weeks ago, I added a new station that my kiddos are still VERY eager to use daily! Thanks to a donation, we have a new tablet to help with our fluency. After students have practiced a poem, a set of sentences, a word list, or even a book several times, they can record themselves reading. Once they are finished, they get to listen to themselves. It is pretty powerful!! Sometimes they are a little hard on themselves, but for others it is an eye opener. They think they are reading smoothly with expression until they hear it for themselves!
We also have a book app downloaded, so students can listen to stories. It's sad, but some students are not read to at home and this is a way they can hear what fluent reading sounds like!
Having this station in my room, has helped several of my students in a way I didn't think was possible...they ask if they can take extra things home to practice reading so they can record themselves! WOW!!!
We have been working with identifying coins and a few of my kiddos are confusing the nickel and dime and their values. I made some flashcards and have added them to my TpT store as a freebie! Click the picture below to link to my store and download them!!  ENJOY =)