Saturday, November 1, 2014

Fall Fun!

With all the things we "have to teach", we sometimes forget the little things that make a First Grader's day. I'm not big on sugar, sugar and more sugar, so "parties" look a little different in my room. To celebrate Fall, we spent the afternoon rotating through different activities. If you mention the word "craft" to my kids they scream with excitement, so when I explained they get to do 2 in one day, imagine the huge ROAR!
Since we are learning about bats, it was only fitting to have a bat craft. My daughter helped make the example bat for the students to look at!
Candy corn anyone?? Seeing how each child's creativity shows in their craft is great. Even when they follow an example, it is neat to see how each one is different!
I love "sneaking" learning in when they least expect it. We have been working on short vowel words and the students played a game called "Bat Race".
Last, they showed off their sorting skills by separating nouns from verbs.

November is here! I will be posting my November centers sometime this weekend, so stay tuned!!!

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