I really like to have fun helping students build their reading fluency. There are so many fun, engaging activities out there that keep the students wanting to learn. One way I start with fluency is making sure my kiddos have automaticity with basic sight words. I use my "Racing to Build Sight Word Fluency" that helps students learn the 100 most used words in reading and writing. The words are split into lists of 10 words. As the lists are learned with automaticity, the students chart their growth on a progress chart grid. Once they have 50 words learned, I like to start them on reading sentence with those words. For that, I use my "Racing to Build Sentence Fluency" pack. These are pages that have 10 sentences on each page. For most of the kids, this is a great next step. For others, I have found that it is too big of a step. I needed to use something a little easier. I started to use "Sentence Pryamids". This is one sentence per half sheet that naturally helps students build phrasing with each line. We practice using different types of voices each time we read them. FUN STUFF!! Below, I have placed links to my TpT store if you would like to check them out!

How do you help your kiddos buuild fluency?